the Esbat lathe-cut series 7" earned a glowing review in Maximum Rock n Roll recently. To celebrate we have selected a video of them as the video of the month. Yeah yeah.. more like video of the four months... we'll try to keep on track better. Anyway, Esbat... they'll be up to shows again when Jay gets back in 2012. We're running low on the 7" so get one NOW.
Hüsky Düdes first 7" is gonna drop at the beginning of 2012. They are trying to play as many shows as they can. Listen here for awesomeness. "Cat Basement" is gonna be the song you yell for them to play live. The 7" should have been out already but a miscommunication at the mastering studio delayed it.
Bombay Cove wants to announce that we are releasing a 7" by PA.RTS, a 3 piece experimental/noise band. Power Electronics, Treated Instruments, Processed Loops and Feedback... the 7" will come out in the spring. Look for them where fine shows happen.

Sun Recs have a year-ender homestand with Hog Van Dog. 2011 will be closed out the right way.
The store is running low on the Y'all lathe cut 10", the Followed by Static/Bonnibonita split 7", the BMBC No.20 Sampler, and the Esbat 7"... but we DO still have all of these.
Stay tuned for announcements on more 2012 releases, a potential SXSW dayparty, shows, sales, yahhhhhhhhh