Following the release of their debut Lullaby 7”,
Austin TX’s Followed By Static got busy adding new
members and recording more songs from their
explosive live sets. As 2009 came to a close,
Followed By Static split time between their home
Soul Korea Studio and Skyler McGlothin’s Laguna
Studio, crafting a number of new recordings. This
track demonstrates the textured results of these
sessions, along with the tracks from their Smiles 7"
(Sundae Records), also from 2010.
Followed By Static - "Ok" by bombay cove
“Full Throttle Cookie Monster”
Everyone loves a good party, and this party platter Bside
should serve as your introduction to a fresh new
band. Born in 2010 and unveiled at some feral SXSW
shows, these ladies (ahem... and one gentleman) have
been tickling crowds and leaving whiskey bottles in
their wake. This track was recorded and mixed
themselves with DIY fashion (pun intended) and has
been mastered by JJ Golden to help spawn only the
finest in garage doo-wop. This is their first release of
any kind. Cookie crumbs and cleavage... best
combination ever!
Bonnibonita - "Full Throttle Cookie Monster" by bombay cove

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